
A Matter of Social Responsibility I

Neimen ble det ikke litt stille her igjen for en stund. Får vel gjøre opp for det og legge ut en ny post jeg har fått fra L. Som han selv poengterer, er det litt annerledes enn hva han har skrevet tidligere, denne gangen. Men jeg legger det ut likevel. Litt alvorlig er det, og for å fort gi et lite "referat" om hva det dreier seg om, skal jeg sitere ham fra mot slutten: "So what, did you think that writing an inmate was just a lark? Were you just trying to have fun?" 

Dette er del en, siden posten var på ca. to sider. Resten poster jeg i løpet av morgendagen.

A Matter of Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility is the idea that each of us has a duty to ensure that we do our part to ensure that our world becomes a place where we can live out our lives in peace, without fear of harm from those who would harm us. I bring this up because by writing someone in prison, you have embarked on a journey that is full of the obligations that go along with social responsibility. In writing someone in prison, you hold the key to the making of a new man or woman.

I don't know why most people write to someone in prison. Are you looking for love, or a friend, or to make a difference in someone's life? I don't know; what I do know is that once you take this step, once you enter the life of someone who is incarcerated, you must make a choice as to what you will offer this person who is at your mercy.

No matter what your goal is in writing to someone who is incarcerated, you should include making a difference in that life. I've mentioned before the power that you have to make a positive change in the life of someone in prison but I wonder, do you know how to do that? Well just in case you don't, I am going to give you some lessons. :) ::sheepish look:: I know, I know, who am I to give you lessons? The only thing that I can tell you is that I have been through it; I know what it is to be damned and to be saved. I would be honored if I could help one of you save one of us. ;p

Here in prison most of us live with little of the things we took for granted in the free world. Things like spices for our foods, adequate cleaning supplies, adequate hygiene items (such as deodorant), adequate space, and many other things. Of course you might say it is the price we pay, and you would be correct. What happens, though, when we have an avenue to get those things, like through the prison black market. I point this out not to talk about the black market, just to tell you that it is difficult for anyone to live here and not go against the rules, to live a life that follows all the rules. This breaking of a few rules can lead to the breaking of more and so on and so forth. This breaking of the rules leads many of my peers to feel that there is no use in trying to become something better. The thing is that it is not everything. So what can you do?

One of the most difficult things for an inmate to do is to realize that he must give of himself before he can gain any ground in life. He must understand that there is more to life than personal gain; there are people who need what he has to offer. You can be instrumental in helping an inmate realize this. To do this you must also make a choice that this is something that you want to do; it is not easy.

Many inmates will talk to you about their lives, tell you how some weak guy got beat up or raped, tell you about how they were in a riot, or how they got into a fight over the TV or some such thing. They will tell you about their lives on the street full of drugs; they will tell you about the anger and hate that they feel. Believe me, our lives are full of darkness. More often than not, we have no goal for the future that we can articulate; and if we can, it is almost a pipe dream and full of self-gain. The reason for that is because we have no direction for our lives. We have no Mission.

...resten kommer i en egen post i morgen.

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